Meaning of (मिला लेना) mila lena in english

As noun : annex Ex:  The British attempt to annex first the Transvaal in 1880
As verb :
attach Ex:  It is sometimes said, by analogy, in terms of Botany, the tendril-like filaments by which sarmenteuses and climbing plants attach to body neighboring
Other : to placate to embody placate mediatize embody Ex:  Though illogical, the slogans embody the Party to annex Ex:  Augustus Caesar attempted to annex it but the expedition failed. to comprehend comprehend conciliate to get Ex:  It is possible to get vaccinated and still get influenza. get Ex:  It is possible to get vaccinated and still get influenza.
Suggested : to overcome the distrust or hostility of placate win over to understand the nature or meaning of grasp with the mind perceive to give a concrete form to express, personify, or exemplify in concrete form to fasten or affix join connect to attach, append, or add, especially to something larger or more important
Exampleमिला लेना का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(मिला लेना) mila lena can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 9 including consonants matras. Transliteration : milaa lenaa

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